Rose Garg
2 min readApr 25, 2019

The idea of not using a resume for a job interview

The first time I wrote a resume was when I started to look for jobs, fresh out of school. They called it Bio-data in my part of the world. They probably still do.

I wrote a one page document, after carefully looking at my mum’s resume for reference. I thought it was a splendid bio-data, simply because it was a new kind of document I had written. In hindsight, it is good that I had the confidence to believe that my resume was great, but now I think it was awful.

The above line is why I think we should do away with resume’s altogether. I believe that I landed my first job, because it was ‘I’ that impressed the interviewer, and it was my deliverables, etc that ensured I kept my job. The resume was an introduction, a means of connecting; so that a person can get in touch with me. We have emails, and LinkedIn now, so all that one needs to do is to simply send your online professional/social profile link, in an email to apply for a job. Or, you can write a paragraph about yourself and email it to the company.

I do not discount the value of a resume. It certainly was important for a period of time, and still is to an extent. I just think that writing/sorting and reading resumes wastes a lot of time for too many people. Also, one cannot really estimate how a person is going to professionally perform, unless they are on the job. If more time is spent by HR on the candidates f2f interview and analysis, I think it will have a more meaningful impact. Additionally if companies took the “probationary” period more seriously, there would be fewer regrets.

Instead, ask a candiate to write an article, develop a small app, etc. Even if they google the same or take help from family and friends to complete the task, the result should give you a fair idea as to whether they make the cut. Taking help is not a bad thing, infact taking timely help, is far better than sitting on the job and pretending to do it.

I am sure there are many qualified professionals whose job it is to read resumes, and who will disagree with me based on their experience. I would like to hear why, so that we can have a meaningful discussion and come to some conclusion about this topic.

Rose Garg
Rose Garg

Written by Rose Garg

Writer and Tech Entrepreneur

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